Friday, 21 July 2017

Beautiful crocosmia for color

Tired of your yard looking drab in the heat of summer? Wishing your garden had more than browns and (hopefully) a few different green tones when the rains finally clear up and we can finally enjoy the sunshine?

Well, look no further than our good friend Crocosmia!

This colorful family of plants brings a wide variety of summer blooming, warm toned flowers with nice sharp lines. They’re pretty easygoing and can be utilized in a number of great spots in a planter bed or garden, whether they’re the star of the show or part of a supporting cast.

Once they are established, they are fairly drought resistant, and they even attract butterflies and hummingbirds, which is why you’ve probably seen multiple varieties of them all over town. 

If you’ve been convinced to try out the versatile and diverse family of beautiful flowers, give us a call and we can provide some locally sourced crocosmia to brighten up your summer!
